Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 and the Cry for Statesmanship

Beginning today, one will be able to find insight and logical deliberation about current events from the standpoint of a scholarly analysis based in good old fashioned common sense. My perspective shall always be in the spirit of government and policy in favor of the greatest common good and a general spirit of Mills' "Utilitarianism" as a general formula for grading the acts of individuals as well as society as a whole.

As an American, I will not apologize for taking stances that best suit Americans. I will not be ashamed of America being the most powerful nation on the earth, nor shall I ever suggest a course of action that would diminish that title. The ever growing in popularity stance of degrading the American Empire and the opinion of those people that America should be ashamed of its power and prowess in statehood shall find no comfort in my opinions. Whether one believes human rights, morality, equality, corporate profits, markets or just general fairness are ends to be sought before the power and position of the United States of America as a country, my answer is simply no. For no good or concept can be achieved by the power of the United States if the United States is without the sufficient power to achieve or defend such a good or concept.

Americans must realize that achieving any end, from creating a world market for goods to world peace, cannot be achieved in spite of the general power and prowess of America to enforce its will. In other words, a powerful America can impose peace, solve starvation or stem genocide, but an America that is riddled with a dissent of those who put such ends before the power of the vehicle necessary to achieve those goals, reduce the chance of successfully achieving any end.

Over the next year, I will logically write about the importance of statesmanship before any cause, and how government and its citizens should support such an end. I will not hamstring that end by restricting certain means that may be contradictory to the end goal of America's power in the world, a peaceful and abundant humanity. I shall always pursue a course of action that favors Americans and an America that is strong enough to effectively pursue any goal its society should deem imperative for itself and the world as a whole.

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