Sunday, September 6, 2009

Not a Flat Tax, a Head Tax

Many agree that we could sufficiently reduce government spending if we could simplify our tax code.  Think of all the waste in having the gray suits at the IRS calculate and audit people's taxes.  In a collateral respect, think of the amount of money spent by individuals to comply with the complications of tax code in hiring professionals to maximize their yearly reporting.  It is literally waste generated by waste.

Many have suggested a flat tax.  A decided percentage, across the board, for every citizen regardless of socioeconomic status.  That said, the nature of the flat tax still discriminates.  That's right, it discriminates between those with income and those without.  If one has no income, they are tax exempt.

Why not then pass a system where all adult citizens are treated exactly the same?  A head tax.  In exchange, for services the citizens shall pay a pro-rata share of the yearly budget each year.  The bill will be shared by all so that we are incentivized to produce.  We are incentivized to produced because not just every incremental dollar, but every actual dollar, earned over and above the taxed amount shall be the citizen's to keep.  The Country would not tax minors since we aspire for a growing population, but all other citizens would share in the burden of government services provided.  The head tax would make our country the first to align the citizens with the dangerous current account and budget deficits by having them realized in the daily lives of its citizens.  

To ensure compliance, failing to meet one's pro-rata portion of the budget would lead to the same severe punishments as currently reserved for failing to pay income tax with one additional caveat, no access to courts, voting, or public welfare until repaid.  While this sounds harsh, one must remember the head tax would be very minimal compared to current tax levels as citizen's would not procure government services they didn't find "worth it."  Charitable minded citizens could choose or collectively raise money for the less privileged to meet their taxes each year so that those unable to pay are allowed continued access to government services.  The important part is that everything remains paid for, wars included.

Like splitting the check at the end of dinner the incentive to waste countless hours and money hiding income would be forgone for more productive uses of brain power.  We would allow employers to pay workers head tax; as well as, friends pay one another's taxes without penalty or additional taxes generated.  The point of a head tax is payment, not punishment.  If we lose jobs due to poor trade policies, natural disaster, poor family values or senseless profiteering abroad the consequences would come to roost in the form of shortfalls when citizens could not meet their obligations.  If we ask for more government services the consequences would quickly become apparent when the "bill" arrived.  A head tax would force the United States to put itself in a harmonious balance of work, capital, income, collectivism and Nationalism.  That'd be alright by me.

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