Thursday, October 22, 2009

When Did The Tie That Bind Us Break?

Often I wonder if the United States will be able to recover as the super power it once was. I wonder, Could we win World War II again? Could we withstand the odds of the Revolutionary War? Could we handle an oil embargo or an era of expansion like the Manifest Destiny under President Polk?

Such instances require unanimity and collectivism. We would have to rediscover what it meant to sacrifice for one another and to believe in each other as Americans. After 9-11, we underwent terrorism by our own citizens such as anthrax and the sniper killer. After the financial collapse of 2008, we cannot find enough unanimity to stop stealing from one another (ponzi schemes, corporate raiding, rampant voluntary foreclosures, ruthless lending tightening by banks (government bailed out banks mind you) and energy price speculating.) It seems for every challenge Americans scurry and mutilate one another.

Instead of becoming a nation of one, we polarize. Republicans side with Republicans and oppose anything Democrats suggest, and Democrats side with Democrats and oppose anything Republicans suggest. Regions divide and engage much like rival gangs. Age groups and ideologies harden in their positions.

While our Founders envisioned ideological debate, they could never have imagined such devastating polarization where either side would prefer the Country crumble than lose their position. It is a sad time in our history. Partisans justify even the most nonsensical notions to attempt to satisfy their own greed and self interest. I doubt the Americans of today would have starved in the snow at Valley Forge or had the resolve to take Iwo Jima. More likely the Americans of today would have quibbled, robbed the wounded and stolen the identities of the dead corpses.

Balancing the trade deficit, building a vibrant middle class, maintaining an overwhelming strength on the world forum in voice and respect, and fostering a nurturing Nation of peaceful compassion for our citizens are simple unalienable truths. Yet we cannot agree on these issues. Why is that? I'm not talking nuance, I am talking about things that should be so ingrained in the decency and fabric of Americans, that to resist them would be unnatural. The solution to our woes be it deficits, deflation, inflation, negative GDP growth or international threats is in recognizing what it is that ties us as one and working in unison for the betterment of the Country as whole wihtout regard for demographic, party affiliation or self.

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